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LGeo's presentation at URISA BC 2024 Conference: 3D Residential Buildout Modeling

Writer's picture: Afie EbrahimiAfie Ebrahimi

In 2023 LGeo was contracted by the City of Victoria to create a residential modeling tool. The tool was developed to predict where residential developments will occur through to the year 2050, and how many housing units will be created by these developments. It allows for Victoria staff to model:

  • Land use policies and changes;

  • Various building forms and;

  • Changing financial conditions. 

By considering land use information, the City’s parcel fabric, the BC assessment building information report, current development approvals, seismic hazard as well as financial viability thresholds along with assumptions about building typology, the model provides a comprehensive assessment of predicted development scenarios. The model determines the quantity, size, and type of net new units expected from new development. The model evaluates the capacity and development impact of alternate land use scenarios relative to current trends.

The capacity tool is also set up to be reusable. As assumptions around financial viability and building form change, the modeling tool can be tailored to many changing various assumptions and can create new outputs as land use policy evolves. 

In addition, the tool generates a 3D model of the predicted building forms. The 3D model output combines the city's existing 3D building model with the newly developed building forms to visualise the city as a whole under each land use scenario. The 3D model considers lot line setbacks and height constraints, providing a holistic and realistic view of the development's impact in space. The modeling results are displayed for the City in an interactive online dashboard that displays and compares various 3D building model results through time (until 2050). This three dimensional visual output allows for urban planners, community stakeholders and decision-makers to visualise changes in density and design. 

We unveiled a demo of the model in our new favourite fictional city, Canyonville. Curious to see it for yourself? Check out the immersive 3D dashboard ➡️ [Link to 3D Dashboard]

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