Analysis-oriented here at LGeo, we've prepared a succinct summary of our operations that should serve as a benchmark for other organizations: Licker Geospatial Consulting Co. …
By the Numbers
Exact Number of years LGeo has been in business: 3
Number of starting staff: 1
Amount of staff added in the past three years: 4
Number of years combined staff Consulting GIS Experience: 32
Number of working days per year where the word "deliverable" is not mentioned: 0
Number of unique clients who have retained LGeo services to-date: 43
Percentage of those clients who repeat or extend business: 71
Number of Invoices sent in 2018: 99
In 2019: 162
Size in square feet of previous LGeo office space: 250
of Current Office Space: 900
Number of office plants: 15
Percentage of plants that are succulents: 47
that are named Count Fernula: 7
Cumulative distance in km staff travel to work each day: 9.4
per LGeo staff: 1.8
Chance that an LGeo staff will walk to work in a given day: 3 in 5
Chance that an LGeo staff will cycle to work: 2 in 5
Amount in yearly emissions (tCO2e) generated from LGeo journey to work: <0.0001
Chance that the word data will be mentioned as part of an LGeo outbound email: 1 in 4
in an inbound email : 1 in 3
Average amount of time in minutes each workday before the word analysis is mentioned: 15
before the word lunch is mentioned: 30
Percentage of daily GIS tasks where at least one processes is automated: 50
where the entire task is automated: 10
Percentage of analysis task processes that require use of the whiteboard: 65
that require an additional coffee: 50
Amount in cups of coffee consumed per day at LGeo: 12
per LGeo staff: 2.4
Estimated number of maps generated by LGeo as part of project work in 2019: 500
Percentage of maps exported in landscape orientation: 80
That are square: 4
Cumulative staff hours per day spent looking at google maps: 2
at the office succulents: <0.1